2019 | A Year of Ellie Grace Photography

Chateau Les Carrases South of France Wedding

I know I know, you’re all DYING to know how my year went in terms of weddings, well sit down and I shall tell you all about it…

I actually won’t because we’ll be here for possible hours, but what I will say is OH BOY. It’s been a bloody good year for weddings, I’ve had a pretty incredible year and been to some pretty incredible weddings. I’ve shot most of my weddings in Sheffield and it’s been a refreshing change staying in my home town, with the odd visit to The Peak District and do not get me started on THAT wedding at Chateau Les Carrasses, I will forever dream of that entire holiday. But you don’t need to take me on holiday with some wonderful humans and sing Beauty and the Beast every day to make a good impression on me. It’s been a really really great year, I’ve met some truly wonderful people, people I can now call my friends and I can’t wait to see what direction your lives take (if you get a dog you know where I am for dog walks)!

I could most definitely ramble on and I could write a novel to rival Harry Potter about the things I’ve seen but I won’t so please grab a glass of a tipple of your choice and enjoy my wedding photography year in a blog.

There’s also an extra bonus of me at the end with my glasses twin found at a wedding!