Rosie & Lewis | Relaxed Wedding at Pentre Mawr Country House, Wales

Pentre Mawr Country House

Man I loved this wedding!

It was copious amounts of fun from beginning to end. What wedding won't be a total success if you don't start it working out to the Rocky theme tune?

I don't even know where to start with describing this day! Can I just not describe it and let you just look at all the photos? Maybe we'll go with some bullet pointed highlights.

- Rocky workout

- Surprise dog visit

- Constant break outs of song and dance

- Bouncy castle

- Groom's performance of songs

- Alan Partridge

- Laughing. Lots and lots of laughing.

- Crying. Lots and lots of crying.

I give up, just look at these for yourself please. WHAT A DAY! And don't just scroll fast either, there are some incredible facial expressions that really just need to be taken in.