Marie + Andy | Weston Park Bandstand Wedding and Reception at Pina

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What. A. Wonderful. Day.

Marie + Andy had their ceremony at Weston Park Bandstand and then their reception at Pina in Kelham Island and it was just the most perfect combination of venues which suited them both perfectly. Thank god it was a percectly sunny because this just made the ceremony part much easier for everyone. They had a little picnic too after the ceremony which I must say was delicious and gave me plenty of images to contribute to a very special blog I’m going to do about people with bread sticks. Not sure why, but bread sticks have featured really heavily in my weddings this year.

Anyway, we hopped in a taxi to go for a little walk around Kelham Island, including The House skatepark, for backdrops for their portraits and then met everyone at Pina for margaritas, tacos and dancing.

It. Was. Great. So. Great. That. I’m. Putting. Full. Stops. After. Each. Word. So. You. Know. How. Great. It. Was.