2021 | A round up of this years weddings

MY GOODNESS ME WHAT A YEAR. I don’t believe in numbers so I won’t tell you how many I shot this year but it was enough. Definitely enough. Due to covid restrictions and changes etc etc blah blah blah a lot of my weddings from last year were squeezed into the 8 months of this year that we were allowed to have weddings. I am absolutely not going to lie or sugar coat it, it’s been the toughest year yet. I’ve genuinely never felt exhaustion like it. But I wont bore you with how tough it’s been because spoiler alert - it’s been hard for us all. All you need to know is that I am alive and I’ve had such a lovely time photographing all these incredible weddings.

Thank you to all who played a part in my year, you’ve all been absolutely wonderful and I couldn’t have done it without you. I think for most of last years weddings we were all just in it together, I felt like I had known most of the couples since the dawn of time sending emails back and forth, deciding on dates, will it won’t it? But we all pulled through and had such perfect days.

Want to see how much fun I had? Yeah I knew it, just bloody knew it. Spare no more time with these words of a rambling lady and scroll down to see for yourselves!