Hannah + Dexter | Urban Wedding at Fivefourstudios, Manchester

Fivefourstudios Wedding Manchester

I didn't think it was possible to fall in love with a venue, but I have. Fivefourstudios is just a photographers dream come true. It's clean, bright, light, interesting, in an urban area, and oh hang on it's raining? Don't worry, theres a stupidly beautiful bar and amazing nooks and cranny's to do your photos in.

So when Hannah and Dexter got in contact with me about doing their wedding here I was obviously over the moon about the vnue, but also that this pair of humans were super lovely and friendly that I couldn't wait to do their wedding.

It was such a fun day, yes it rained, but yes it's Manchester after all, so it helped that everyone was inside a beautiful building. Their ceremony was really personal and beautiful, I'm pretty sure I shed a little tear of happiness at one point. 

Hannah + Dexter's freinds and family were just great too, everyone had so much fun, especially on the inflatable giant twister which I'm not sure actually got used for twister at any point. It was such fun to hang out with them all day, they were a dream to photograph and be around, I mean, it totally helped that they were both incredibly photogenic along with their families too. 

Big shout out to Elinor from Inner City Weddings for sorting out the day and Chris Hale for doing the most amazing food!